Ben Young
Ben Young
June 3, 2022

Edition #370
On what we can learn from what makes a good wine. Educational branded content and Stranger Things.

One big thing

One sip leads to another. Whilst away I read Cork Dork and in answering the question of what makes a good wine. Paul Grieco of Terroir fame would answer that one sip leads to another. The first leads to the second and the second leads to the third. As I lay there in the Mexican sun, I thought thatโ€™s a brilliant little analogy. If someone enjoys it they reach for more.

Such an idea could bring a lot of simplicity to marketing teams. Instead we dive for more. What else should we be looking at. Over intellectualizing it. Rather than simply going, is the consumer coming back for more. I liked it and thought it was worth sharing.

Notable stories this week


Campaign of the Week

  • Leaving a legacy: how to give a gift that lasts beyond your lifetime. Guardian with Cancer Council.

Smartest commentary
  • [On why he co-founded EDO] โ€œEfficiency in marketing affects artists compensation or affects what a studio makesโ€ –Ed Norton, actor/co-founder EDO

Datapoints of note

That’s it for this week.

