Hollie-Blue Allum
Hollie-Blue Allum
August 7, 2015

Talking to agencies, brands and publishers at Nudge, has shown us that people tend to focus on either engagement or attention for native content, rarely both.

It’s important to get both sides of the story when it comes to engagement and attention. We mentioned last month about how you shouldn’t stop at engagement, you should dig deeper to understand if people are coming to read the content from the shares. However, you shouldn’t just stop there. Content isn’t created equally when it comes to engagement or attention. Some pieces of content are going to skew towards high engagement, some towards high attention and the lucky ones toward both.

Engagement metrics include:


Attention metrics include:

Your native content may underperform for one of the above, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t work. It’s not only important to define success metrics at the beginning of each campaign but to have those full metrics available. Look at both sides of content consumption to determine success and prove ROI.

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