Ben Young
Ben Young
March 29, 2023

The difference is that content marketing doesn’t have to have the brand present in the content. Branded content typically needs the brand present for it to exist.

Branded content is defined as, content that is made for the express purpose of promoting a brand. If you took the brand out, the content couldn’t exist.

Content marketing as, content created to educate, entertain or inform a brands potential and existing customers. The brand may or may not be essential in that conversation.

Where they are different is distribution – where the content lives. Branded content lives on other peoples websites. And content marketing on an owned property. However that is not always true. Branded Content would be part of a brands content marketing strategy but also resides in the advertising and media strategy. 

Nudge is an analytics platform that enables brands to measure their branded content and content marketing. 70% of users get set up within 10 minutes, add your domain, install your code and then get data & insights. Get extra metrics like avg scroll, drop off, engagement thresholds. And then save time with automated insights – and dynamic benchmarks.

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