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Archive: Jan 2022

How to verify branded content

Are you looking to verify the performance of your branded content? Then you’ve come to the right place. What makes branded content verification different to other advertising, is the art and science. Content requires consumption to be effective. And then, often you need to verify the traffic sources to the content. Often also there are technical challenges that need to be overcome. The other challenge can be the scale, often branded content has less impressions than say a display campaign. Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 31, 2022

New celebrity

Edition #356 Cameo, Microsofts $10b business and carbon emissions. One big thing Microsoft brought in $10 billion in ad revenue in the last 12 months. For a combined business that is bigger than Snap & Twitter combined. NEW: @Microsoft brought in $10 billion+ in ad revenue in last 12 months (ex TAC), which includes LinkedIn— Comes amid a renewed ad push from the tech firm— Microsoft acquired ATT’s addressable… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 28, 2022
Tech M&A in the roaring 20s
Tech M&A in the roaring 20s

Merger Mania

Edition #355 MOAR acquisitions, meme creators turned VC and tools for content creators. One big thing Banker to adtech/martech Terry Kawaja shared this tweet about tech M&A in the roaring 20’s. And it is most of the new news each week, acquisitions all round. And it is exactly like this image, bigger fish picking up a smaller fish, who had already scooped up several smaller fish. Digiday this week dug in to how say the likes of… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 21, 2022
Cash App My First Stock
Cash App My First Stock

2022 Begins

Edition #354 Microcosms, acquisition’s and PGA does content marketing. One big thing Welcome to 2022, a year already started with omicron confusion & disruption. Each of us in our microcosms. Microcosm is a great word to sum up operating this year. How can each brand operate in their safe zone. And as each of their competitors pushes that safe zone out, will they follow or not. We had an influx of subscribers at year end, so a warm welcome… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 14, 2022