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Tag: thought leadership

Does Google even need us?

What happens when Google doesn’t need you anymore? It’s still a ways away but it kind of is the trajectory. The same way Uber was considering a world without drivers, Google is moving towards a world without click out search results. SparkToro estimates that in 2021 2/3 of searches do not go further than the search results page. When you consider things like GPT3, an AI that can create copy to fulfill… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 26, 2021
Shenanigans in sports sponsorships
Shenanigans in sports sponsorships

Shenanigans in sports sponsorships

Formula 1 is the yachting of motorsports, that is it is showy, speedy and intellectual. Many have been introduced or brought back to it through Drive to Survive on Netflix. As I was. Simply it is 20 drivers, racing around a track, in cars that have to adhere to regulations. Otherwise referred to as the Formula, hence Formula 1. There is a whole history around the regulations and the history which is… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 17, 2021
how to use digital media analytics to improve roi
how to use digital media analytics to improve roi

Why Marketers Need Digital Media Analytics to Improve ROI

Digital media, otherwise known as ‘content’, can be created, seen, modified, and shared online. Examples of digital media formats include podcasts, video games, videos, websites, social media, and online advertising. By using digital media analysis software, you have the ability to observe, report, and improve your digital media campaigns. You obtain insight into what content performs well, where you’re reaching people, which channels have the best engagement, and what your audience’s conversion journey is. If you’re able to figure out… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
February 24, 2021

Content Hacks for Founders

The best content you produce is content which is polarizing, in that only the people who will end up your customers will read it. Here are a few ideas that I have used repeatedly to achieve this. 1) Industry Newsletter, your This Week in We do ‘This Week in Native Ads’. That honestly may not be that interesting to you but it pulls in the right people for us. The list isn’t massive but it sure is effective. If haven’t yet, start an… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
April 29, 2016

How to spot sponsored content

They key to identifying sponsored content, is looking for the disclosure. Under FTC guidelines, sponsored content has to be obviously disclosed and identified by a reasonable person. That means any reasonable person should be able to spot sponsored content. Things you can look for: In the header, you are looking for a logo or a paid for by. Pre-click, on a feed, near the headline should be a brand logo. A disclosure,… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 18, 2016

Native advertising vs Sponsored Content

In our Branded Content and Native Advertising Glossary we define each. Native advertising, describes the overall trend of creating advertising that is designed to fit the form and function of the site it resides on. Sponsored content, similar to paid content, describes content that has been paid for by a brand. Content may or may not be directly related to the brand. You would say Sponsored Content is a type of Native Advertising, colloquially it… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 11, 2016