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Tag: ppc

Guide to Content Retargeting

Content retargeting is serving content ads to people who have already read your content. It’s a new tool in the content marketers toolkit and allows you to manage your content funnel more effectively. Matching content to the buyers journey. For example: Someone reads your thought leadership piece. You then retarget a summary of your industry research. For those that read that research you retarget some of your latest case studies or customer interviews. The intention being to shift someone closer to being… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 10, 2023

Does Google even need us?

What happens when Google doesn’t need you anymore? It’s still a ways away but it kind of is the trajectory. The same way Uber was considering a world without drivers, Google is moving towards a world without click out search results. SparkToro estimates that in 2021 2/3 of searches do not go further than the search results page. When you consider things like GPT3, an AI that can create copy to fulfill… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 26, 2021
Content distribution made efficient with data
Content distribution made efficient with data

Build The Perfect Content Distribution Strategy with Post-Click Metrics

  As a marketer, you are used to spending your time slaving away on your laptop, liaising with creative agencies, going back and forth to the graphics team to nail that particular infographic – sadly, no matter how great your content is, it simply won’t make any difference if your distribution strategy isn’t on point.   A growing numbers of advertisers and publishers that we talk to feel like they have tapped out in terms… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
February 15, 2017