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This Week in Native Ads 7/12

One big thing The concept of ‘creator-first’ strategies was mentioned in the new Twitter ArtHouse announcement. And it’s not the first time I’ve heard of this. Rather than focusing on the outlet, focus on the talent behind the content. With influencers, that is obvious and direct. For most other content brands create, it’s not. Is there a future where branded content creators are as in demand as hot TV directors? I’d say so. But not… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
July 12, 2019
What happened to Red Bull?
What happened to Red Bull?

This Week in Native Ads 3/1

The Ligatus acquisition might have snuck under your radar but this is notable consolidation in Europe. For American readers they are the TripleLift or ShareThrough of Europe (headcount of 180 vs 230) but they’d already been acquired by Bertelsmann the publishing/broadcasting group. This is much more common in Europe. The deal was for stock. So why would an already exited player onsell and for stock? Likely CPMs guarantees on deals were under pressure from ITP and fearing a more competitive… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 1, 2019