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Tag: Native advertising tools

103 Native Advertising Tools to Explore in 2018

Weโ€™ve compiled a comprehensive list of all the native advertising tools out there. This list is useful for agencies, brands and publishers. Weโ€™ve broken them down in to four categories. Content – Content Creation – Content Recommendation – Content Marketing & Amplification Platforms – Native Ad Platforms – Mobile Native Advertising – Native Ops – Native Video – Native Advertising DSPS – Native Content Publishers… Continue reading

January 28, 2016

Why Nudge is the right tool for native

Traditional analytics have been built for optimizing websites, not necessarily content. Even then theyโ€™re not comprehensive enough for clients demands. Have you ever found yourself spending hours on a simple request from a client for a report? This post explores the features you need from your native analytics tool so that you can prove ROI to clients, optimize your content to hit targets and save yourself time on each report. Unique Metrics Nudge is focused on paid content so the… Continue reading

Hollie-Blue Allum
Hollie-Blue Allum
January 12, 2016