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Tag: measure content

The Nudge Dashboard
The Nudge Dashboard

Nudge, a content marketing analytics & attribution dashboard

Nudge at its core is a marketing analytics platform to give you more visibility into what is performing. Because content has become the cornerstones or backbone of marketing today, that is where we have focused. And each year it continues to change. As we do too. As company or culture, we are very pragmatic, work within the constraints we as marketers have, to help deliver the best clarity. Then leverage technology to generate smarter insights. An example is our Insights… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
December 11, 2019
How to articulate the ROI of your content
How to articulate the ROI of your content

Content Marketing ROI

In this post we establish what your content ROI is, how to calculate it and explain it to others. What is Content ROI? What the return on investment of content boils down to is this: does it deliver the business outcome that you require? Pretty simple. How do you define those outcomes? That’s the more tricky part. But it typically comes down to a few buckets, awareness, interest, desire and… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
November 1, 2019

103 Native Advertising Tools to Explore in 2018

We’ve compiled a comprehensive list of all the native advertising tools out there. This list is useful for agencies, brands and publishers. We’ve broken them down in to four categories. Content – Content Creation – Content Recommendation – Content Marketing & Amplification Platforms – Native Ad Platforms – Mobile Native Advertising – Native Ops – Native Video – Native Advertising DSPS – Native Content Publishers… Continue reading

January 28, 2016