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Tag: brand safety

protect your marketing budgets
protect your marketing budgets

This Week in Native Ads 3/27

If you haven’t yet, this would be the edition you forward to your CMO 🙂 One big thing We took a peek at Nudge data and brand content consumption is through the roof, if you’re a marketer trying to stay relevant, invest more in content. In some pockets we saw it as high as 80% increase and we are seeing week on week increases. If you’re a marketer and not sure what to do to stay relevant. There’s… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 27, 2020
Context in premium environments
Context in premium environments

Why context in premium environments dominate how we respond to content

Working at Nudge, I get to look behind the advertising industry’s ‘curtain’ on a daily basis. Marketers who know me often ask ‘what’s the one thing I should do more of?’. I always tell them the same thing – focus on improving the quality of your content campaigns. Now, not wanting to risk losing your interest this early into the article (due to what can be seen as an obfuscating statement), what I mean by quality is:  … Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
June 6, 2019

This Week in Native Ads 5/17

One big thing This week I got to guest edit Why is this interesting? A daily newsletter by Colin Nagy and Noah Brier. Using Amazon Prime Video as an example I dig in to, data-driven vs data assisted decision making. And how subjectivity plays a big role even though the data itself is objective. Check it out. I’ll be in LA in the coming weeks, if you want to come talk… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
May 17, 2019

This Week in Native Ads 4/5

One big thing Google is in a difficult place with Chrome, Safari has ITP (privacy protection), as does Firefox and if they don’t level set, they risk losing market share. Such a change would threaten a lot of ad tech, especially anything that relies on third party cookies. AdWeek has a piece on how they’re between a rock and hard place, and AdExchanger digs in to what it could look like. Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
April 5, 2019

This Week in Native Ads 3/29

Digital Content NewFronts is coming up, if readers have invites, would love to join a couple more sessions. 🙂 One big thing There were a lot of smirks this week about Apple News+. But Apple is smart, especially at research and consumer segmentation. There will be more than enough people who don’t presently subscribe to anything, that bat away subscription notifications, who will be interested. Like HBO you just need three or four titles to… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
April 3, 2019

This Week in Native Ads 2/8

  One big thing I want to speak on the pace of change. Twitter this quarter is changing their reporting metric to mDAU, monetizeable daily active user. The market did not like it. Imagine if they had used this number a few years ago when Jack first came back. They would have been decimated. Were they measuring it? You can guarantee it. 3000 employees isn’t a ship you can turn overnight. Nor the expectations of millions of users. In… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
February 8, 2019