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Tag: ad fraud

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Anatomy of bots: how we saved a major tech company from paying seven figures for fraudulent traffic

We hear a lot about bot fraud and fake traffic. There are astounding numbers and when the money is being paid for a brand budget but being lost to these bad actors, you can be sure there’s no significant business growth coming from it. It is essential to take this beyond the headlines, from abstraction and dive into what is happening here. Following is a vivid example of a bot campaign in action, with one of our clients. All names… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
June 1, 2020

This Week in Native Ads 8/9

One big thing London folks, please do come along to our event later this month. As a kiwi in New York the biggest change between how content is seen here vs internationally, is the practicality. In other markets people are a lot more practical, I do this to get X or Y. Here the value chains are bigger. So they’re trying to help move the needle on that component. It’s good and bad. For emerging… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
August 9, 2019
Jeff Bezos
Jeff Bezos

This Week in Native Ads 5/10

One big thing The untold story in the duopoly discussion is how brands feed them data, from their owned channels. How does this happen? Via the Facebook pixel, or any Google pixel, on brands owned sites/content. Interest, retargeting, lookalike audiences are informed up and shared with other advertisers. Why is this important now? With Google Chrome’s changes this week to privacy controls (mimicking Apple) and the ecosystem shifting more towards privacy. These signals provide EVEN… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
May 10, 2019
Nudge end of year report 2019
Nudge end of year report 2019

This Week in Native Ads 12/21

Happy Holidays! This will be the final installment of the year. As you read this I will be somewhere over the Pacific Ocean to New Zealand for a decidedly summer Christmas and New Years. Looking back at the audience we’ve grown since starting this humble, passionate newsletter, I’m so grateful for the notes and the support. We’ve had 44% YOY growth with over 53,000 reads! It has been a tumultuous year in media and on a lot of cultural and… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
December 21, 2018

This Week in Native Ads 3/16

I thoroughly enjoyed the Slade and BuzzFeed pieces, give them a read, or a save for later. ALSO, Nudge is making a strategist available, for those who need some help, starting, growing or being smarter with content investments. Email Gustaf for more info. Notable stories this week SnapChat approves branded content ads for publishers. Related, each SnapChat update attracts new users. BuzzFeed’s Jonah… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 16, 2018