One big thing
Measurement is a hot topic at the moment, so I thought I’d share a snippet from an older post, on what leads to success.
“McKinsey recently published new research findings, stating that organizations that deploy the most technology appear to be the most successful. At first glance, this might seem somewhat illogical (as adding more technology into current infrastructures lead to more complexities and therefore increases the risk of things breaking). Yet, it is true. The organizations with successful digital transformations are likelier than others to use more sophisticated technologies.
This mirrors recent findings from Neustar’s study, which suggests that the most effective marketers take a more granular focus across their entire marketing investments and dedicate more staff and technology resources to the development of data, analytics, and models.”
Readers of the newsletter will know I do not mind a running analogy. The analogy I would give here, is a performance runner, who is using multiple measurements to give an overall view of performance. It kind of makes sense that the top runner, would be using more measurement. Now I don’t know if that is true for running but it is for product & marketing.