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Archive: Mar 2023

Guide to Attention Analytics

Attention analytics aims to accurately measure how much attention a customer is paying attention to a marketing or advertising initiative. Attention is a metric that Nudge measures to enable marketers to see how customers are engaging with them. This post includes: What is attention analytics? What are attention metrics? Why are attention metrics important? Common attention metrics Common metric comparisons What attention metrics can you use on programmatic? What are the best practices… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 5, 2023

Guide to Content Hubs

Content hubs are a collection of pieces of content on a particular topic or theme for a brand. It could be a collection of different types of content, created or syndicated content. Content hubs enable marketers to create areas where they can have a particular conversation with their audience. Itโ€™s an effective tactic and creates a home for content, so that marketers can meet the customers where they are. And gives them freedom to adjust the tone & frequency. Wheres… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 4, 2023

How to measure Branded Content success

Measuring the success of branded content is not as hard you may think. I like to try boil it down to three things. How many people did I reach What was the quality of that reach? What did they do next? Our approach at Nudge, is to help simplify your job, we help you identify the best content with content measurement, then get more eyeballs on that content through insights. It’s content measurement and analytics in a box. Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 4, 2023

Best Website Analytics Tools in 2023

As the year of the great analytics unbundling, where Google Analytics is retiring universal analytics to shift to GA, many are considering what their analytics stack looks like. Web analytics is a system for collecting, processing and finding insight in the data of web visitors. Typically installed through additional tracking code on the website, which collects the data and shows it in an online dashboard.ย  This list does not include intelligence solutions, each on this list, has its… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 3, 2023


Edition #394 Spotify to become TikTok? Branded content inevitable? Acquisitions and Substack hits 2m subs. Itโ€™s been a bit of a crazy week – so will keep this note short. I really enjoyed Turners chat on Spotify introducing a feed. Which is how TikTok got started, as Musicly first, then TikTok. So it kind of makes sense, but Spotify is already big, they did it to help get big. Nonetheless, it would introduce more advertising options… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 3, 2023