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Tag: voice

Jeff Bezos
Jeff Bezos

This Week in Native Ads 5/10

One big thing The untold story in the duopoly discussion is how brands feed them data, from their owned channels. How does this happen? Via the Facebook pixel, or any Google pixel, on brands owned sites/content. Interest, retargeting, lookalike audiences are informed up and shared with other advertisers. Why is this important now? With Google Chrome’s changes this week to privacy controls (mimicking Apple) and the ecosystem shifting more towards privacy. These signals provide EVEN… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
May 10, 2019

This Week in Native Ads 2/22

This week is a full on edition, so buckle in as itโ€™s full of gems, from datapoints on Amazon, DrainerBot, to Apple acquiring a digital marketing firm. ? Notable stories this week This News Corp Australia story is interesting, the Outbrain vs Taboola showdown. Ultimately Taboola won this round. This is a battle which goes on every month. Huluโ€™s latest influencer marketing campaign should give you second thoughts about using one. Great… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
February 22, 2019
T Brand Studio to Produce Voice Skills for Advertisers
T Brand Studio to Produce Voice Skills for Advertisers

This Week in Native Ads 1/18

Before your snowy weekend hereโ€™s the latest in native and content. โ„๏ธ One big thing Tim Cook called on the FTC to help tidy up the use of our data. โ€œThe Federal Trade Commission should establish a data-broker clearinghouse, requiring all data brokers to register, enabling consumers to track the transactions that have bundled and sold their data from place to place, and giving users the power to delete their data on demand,… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 18, 2019