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Tag: subscriptions


This Week in Native Ads 4/17

You did, you made it to Friday – well done. One big thing You want to be careful to not be caught in a false economy. On the one hand, you see podcast revenue is up, which is likely committed revenue which hasn’t yet been pulled back. On the other, you see the pipeline of new content is reducing. But eyeballs are at all-time highs. The London Business School put together a PDF on the… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
April 17, 2020

This Week in Native Ads 7/19

One big thing Subscription is not all that it seems for Tim Ferriss. The popular podcast host (400m+ downloads) last week announced a six month trial of no ads and shifting to a subscription model. Citing that the effort to filter and sign on advertisers was high and that it could be swapped to investing more in the content. A brief week later he changed tacts, his fans said they actually like the ads because… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
July 19, 2019

This Week in Native Ads 6/14

Gustaf here, I head up marketing at Nudge. Iโ€™m covering for Ben this week, while heโ€™s out enjoying the Spanish weather. โ˜€๏ธ One big thing This week, we saw Salesforce’s surprise $15.7 billion acquisition of Tableau, just one week after Google announced that theyโ€™d bought Looker. Iโ€™m not suggesting that this deal happened as a direct result of Googleโ€™s acquisition of Looker (Salesforce has been eyeing up… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
June 14, 2019