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Tag: Rolls Royce


This Week in Native Ads 8/9

One big thing London folks, please do come along to our event later this month. As a kiwi in New York the biggest change between how content is seen here vs internationally, is the practicality. In other markets people are a lot more practical, I do this to get X or Y. Here the value chains are bigger. So they’re trying to help move the needle on that component. It’s good and bad. For emerging… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
August 9, 2019

Definition of Native Content

What is the definition of native content? Definition: A piece of content that has been commissioned or paid to be placed on an external website with the view that the content fits and the form and function of where it exists. Sponsored content is a term often used for native content How does it relate to native advertising? Native content is a type of native advertising. The criteria making it native is that: It is designed to fit in with the publisher… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 18, 2016