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Tag: Privacy

This Week in Native Ads 8/30

One big thing I was listening to RadioLabs, the right to be forgotten. Which gets in to how local newsrooms are looking at case by case should they remove names from articles, for maybe cases that were expunged or a college kid making a mistake. And earlier this week we got together a few folks to chat on content, with panelists from diversity media Brand Advance, News UK and WSJ. The nexus of these two topics, is that content… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
August 30, 2019

This Week in Native Ads 7/19

One big thing Subscription is not all that it seems for Tim Ferriss. The popular podcast host (400m+ downloads) last week announced a six month trial of no ads and shifting to a subscription model. Citing that the effort to filter and sign on advertisers was high and that it could be swapped to investing more in the content. A brief week later he changed tacts, his fans said they actually like the ads because… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
July 19, 2019

This Week in Native Ads 5/24

Happy Friday! For readers in the US hopefully a quiet Friday ahead (if youโ€™re not already out). One big thing Catching up with colleagues this week there were a few jokes about sketches, that is the crude drawings that form the backbone of bringing a concept to life. They may be crude but effective. Effective communication, this is a literal drawing of what I want. In a multimedia, digital world, the need for effective communication is ever more pressing. Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
May 24, 2019
Jeff Bezos
Jeff Bezos

This Week in Native Ads 5/10

One big thing The untold story in the duopoly discussion is how brands feed them data, from their owned channels. How does this happen? Via the Facebook pixel, or any Google pixel, on brands owned sites/content. Interest, retargeting, lookalike audiences are informed up and shared with other advertisers. Why is this important now? With Google Chrome’s changes this week to privacy controls (mimicking Apple) and the ecosystem shifting more towards privacy. These signals provide EVEN… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
May 10, 2019
BuzzFeed's print edition
BuzzFeed's print edition

This Week in Native Ads 3/8

One big thing Will everything online move to a pure pay for performance model? It strikes me that as retargeting has taken a hit on publisher revenues itโ€™s been buoyed by affiliate content drives. This precision reduces the take but will keep focus on what actually works. Notable stories this week Mark Zuckerberg penned quite the long piece on privacy. It is worth reading, to get it straight from the source. ^ Unrelated but at… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 8, 2019