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Tag: PopSugar

This Week in Native Ads 11/1

Colin here. I’m filling in for Ben as he prepares for child number two. One big thing There’s starting to be a flood of brand interest onto TikTok. It is, put simply, one of the most interesting and creative spaces on the Internet right now. Not surprisingly, the platform is experimenting and is in the nascent stages of building out its ad and sponsorship products. Right now, it’s basically just an opening screen that a… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
November 1, 2019

This Week in Native Ads 10/11

We’ve been thinking about renaming the newsletter from This Week in Native Ads, native is now the norm and de-facto. Any thoughts or ideas? Format will stay the same, covering the pillars of native; programmatic, content, balance of art and science and the intersection of advertising and media. One big thing The only constant is change. And this week’s stories only highlight that, we see mobile time is growing 27% YOY, DTC brands pulling from social to invest in… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 11, 2019
Geoff Schiller Popsugar
Geoff Schiller Popsugar

This Week in Native Ads 8/2

We will be trying an experiment to engage more directly with the native and content communities. For August and September I’ll be holding “office hours” on Friday. Simply sign up for a 20 minute slot and we can have a conversation about trends, best practices, what we are seeing in the market and even do some trouble shooting for your brand and how it is communicating through content. Simply use the link below, pick a time, and we will get… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
August 2, 2019
OTT Ad Impression Measurement
OTT Ad Impression Measurement

This Week in Native Ads 9/28

Hey friends! Melanie Deziel here, Founder of StoryFuel and the Brand Storyteller Society. Ben is off this week, so I’ve jumped in, in his stead, to deliver this week’s edition of This Week in Native Ads! Notable stories this week Guess it’s time to add “biometric data” to our list of content campaign KPIs: The Telegraph is now measuring branded content with biological response data. While it… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
September 28, 2018