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Tag: native ad analytics

The Nudge Dashboard
The Nudge Dashboard

Nudge, a content marketing analytics & attribution dashboard

Nudge at its core is a marketing analytics platform to give you more visibility into what is performing. Because content has become the cornerstones or backbone of marketing today, that is where we have focused. And each year it continues to change. As we do too. As company or culture, we are very pragmatic, work within the constraints we as marketers have, to help deliver the best clarity. Then leverage technology to generate smarter insights. An example is our Insights… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
December 11, 2019

How to enhance your native ad product, in response to: DigiDays Publishers Hack the CMS

I enjoyed reading Lucias post over on DigiDay talking about how publishers are hacking the CMS, she talks about early adopters The Atlantic have transitioned over to programmatic ad serving type models whilst some like Hearst are sticking with the CMS. The long term play is that yes Publishers will have to swap to an ad serving like model. The reason being is, that once brands have the idea that they can bring programmatic and ad thinking… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 26, 2015

Best practices for placing native ad content

In this post we share a few insights we get by providing analytics for native ad content.  Keep in mind this is a nascent industry so standards are still being developed but this is a place to start. Evaluate the technology stack You want to check for a few things: On your native ad content, how long do you get this space for? Also are other advertisers going to get to bid on ad space on it? We see too… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
November 11, 2014