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Tag: linkedin

making the case for content in uncertain times
making the case for content in uncertain times

This Week in Native Ads 4/3

Recapping an internal note we sent to clients this week. We’ve put up a page covering Covid-19 and impact on marketing, media and content. We’re updating it daily. We continue to offer Nudge to the community, COVID causes and insights sessions. One big thing This tweet stream from Alex Russell caught my eye – on mobile CPUs and the performance inequality gap. The outtake is that the cheapest high… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
April 3, 2020

This Week in Native Ads 11/8

Pleased to announce the youngest young joined the family last week, thanks for the notes. We’re back to normal albeit with less sleep. ? This week is jam-packed, so save a few links, keep an eye on commentary from Darren Herman and datapoints of note. Oh and LinkedIn launched a newsletter tool? One big thing The piece that I dug the most this week is the Spotify tapping Viacom for content marketing on DigiDay. And for a number of… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
November 8, 2019
NBCUniversal raking it in
NBCUniversal raking it in

This Week in Native Ads 7/26

I’m exploring the accounting treatment of content, that is if you treat it like an asset, how does or how would that change marketing’s P&L? Typically branded/native content is one off so treated as an expense. But if it’s re-used or has a longer timeframe of economic output does that mean it could be treated as an asset? Especially on the brands owned channels. Has anyone got first hand experience and/or analysis they’ve read? Would love to hear from readers. Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
July 26, 2019
Branded content
Branded content

This Week in Native Ads 6/28

One big thing Since last week there’s been a few more write-ups on Cannes (i.e. brand purpose hypocrisy at Cannes), not entirely sure what it was about this year which has struck a chord – but it has. This piece on the New York Times from Farhad Manjoo continues last week’s chat (that it’s all about the people you bump into), the global parties you’re not invited… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
June 28, 2019

This Week in Native Ads 6/21

One big thing Back in the hot seat, to a deluge of Cannes / no Cannes attendance chatter. What makes Cannes great is the concentration, bumping into people you know, everyone’s there to catch up, reconnect. Which is rare these days. But that’s what makes it so good. Unfortunately not for me this year but surely next. The other conference, if you haven’t been, is Dmexco. It is way more focused and compressed in a smaller location. But 45,000… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
June 21, 2019

This Week in Native Ads 11/2

One big thing No one big thing this week — it’s the turn in the quarter where the rush is on pre thanksgiving. At least that’s what I’m telling myself? Enjoy this weeks edition. Notable stories this week NBCU makes cutbacks laying off 50 in their ad sales team. Programmatic’s legacy pricing structure penalize premium. ^ Related, media companies scramble to meet annual goals. LinkedIn integrates… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
November 2, 2018