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Tag: how to measure effectiveness of digital marketing

measuring marketing success
measuring marketing success

How to calculate ROI in digital marketing

Return on investment in digital marketing is a hot topic and isnโ€™t one that is easily answered. At least not at first glance. A very simplistic view is what went in and what went out. i.e. We spent $500k on marketing. What did we get? The output or impact then has to be linked to the companies objectives. Which should have a dollar amount assigned to it. For example, we needed to grow the awareness of… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 17, 2020
how to measure
how to measure

How to measure a digital marketing campaign

Get a dashboard together, that pulls in all of your data. Executing a campaign today often means having content and advertising in multiple places at once. So find a dashboard solution that combines all the data in one place. Or as few places as possible. So that you can better analyze it. Then use the right tool for the job, who is going to measure this, to give me the insight, to make decisions, that impact our business objectives. Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 17, 2020
measuring marketing success
measuring marketing success

How to measure success of digital marketing

Install a third-party tracking system that will measure how well your digital marketing is going. This enables you to just focus on the insights and improving your digital marketing. Then work backward from the digital marketing strategy, what is our aim here? How do we measure that? Then link this to your metrics. For example, if your aim is to attract new customers, what is a meaningful amount of potential customers? Then use your measurement to see how… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 17, 2020