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tv ad spend the lowest its been since 2015
tv ad spend the lowest its been since 2015

This Week in Native Ads 12/6

Next week I’m hosting some drinks for smart folks in the sports media industry. LMK if you’d like to join us. Informal, small group. I shared my top books of 2019, what were yours? One big thing The Columbia Journalism school has been undertaking a multi-year study on the relationship between large-scale technology companies and journalism. In their latest update, they summarize the present state of affairs. A couple of takeaways: How publishers use the… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
December 6, 2019

This Week in Native Ads 10/4

Back in the hot seat, it’s been a full on couple of weeks but read on. For those who follow Nudge, we have soft-launched a ‘for all content marketers’ solution. You can check it out here. It’s pretty neat. And that seems a fitting thing to announce on the 250th edition. Native is now the norm, content is now the norm. Thank you all for reading! The comments, intros, submissions are what really makes it. ???… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 4, 2019