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Tag: dashboards

marketing data analysis
marketing data analysis

How to interpret data

A helpful tip in interpreting data is to re-enact how the data was created. This helps understand what the data means, what it reflects and also how you can use it for decision making. For example, for content analytics, revisiting a piece of content. And following the actions that are being recorded. The closer you can mimic the real world method the better. This is a great first step in helping interpret the data that you are… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 17, 2020
data driven marketing
data driven marketing

How to make data driven decisions

Data-enabled decisions mean you use data to help guide decision making. Data can help provide direction or help unstick indecision, by providing feedback. It’s worth noting that data just reflects something that has been observed. So it is often not perfect. But if it can help guide and inform your decision great. Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 17, 2020

Content Analytics – The Old Fashioned Way

Content is something that is evidently growing and intertwining with marketing. So how and in what way was it used before everything went digital? When you talk about content analytics nowadays, everything is done through different measurement tools and Nudge is one of them. It’s evident that this has hardly been the case if you examine content analytics through a historical perspective. In 1931, Alfred R. Lindesmith developed something that became known as a “content analysis technique”, a methodology that… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
February 20, 2014