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Tag: critically analyzing data

marketing data analysis
marketing data analysis

How to critically analyze

Critically analyzing means pulling apart the data and understanding each component. Break it apart, into a series of statements. Is each statement true? What is the opposite? What is not being said? If someone is saying look this way, what is the other way? This helps form the bones of critical thinking. Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 17, 2020
marketing data analysis
marketing data analysis

How to interpret data

A helpful tip in interpreting data is to re-enact how the data was created. This helps understand what the data means, what it reflects and also how you can use it for decision making. For example, for content analytics, revisiting a piece of content. And following the actions that are being recorded. The closer you can mimic the real world method the better. This is a great first step in helping interpret the data that you are… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 17, 2020
marketing data analysis
marketing data analysis

How to analyze a chart

The first watch out in understanding a chart is looking at the scales. These can be easily distorted to misrepresent findings. Take a chart that is a portrait and make it landscape and it instantly stretches out. So do compare the scales, and the metrics used on each axis. Then explore the data itself, how was it collected, how many data points are in here. Can you draw or add any trendiness? Is the data substantial enough… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 17, 2020