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Tag: content tactics

How to create a content marketing strategy that works

Content marketing strategy is a marketing strategy that seeks to leverage content marketing to deliver on an organizationโ€™s marketing objectives. The plan of action, enables organizations to be more effective in their content marketing efforts and communicate areas that they want to change. Elements of a content strategy are: Objective, what it is you are trying to achieve. Audience or target market, who you are trying to impact. Insights or… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 13, 2023
content marketing tactics by nudge
content marketing tactics by nudge

Content Marketing Tactics

In this post, we cover some of the latest content marketing tactics, but also some of the tried and tested. Do check out our ROI of content, it may be that you are already doing the right things and just need to make some adjustments to your content strategy, or how you frame success. Do also read our article on the factors that drive content ROI.   What is the difference between a tactic and a… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 8, 2023

Visual Storytelling – Why use it?

Digital marketing has in recent years created higher expectations for both customers and employees due to all the different ways they can be reached. Social media plays a big part in this along with the fact that people more or less carry a mobile device on their person at all times. Studies have shown that people pick up their phones 150 times per day, and emails are checked 30 times per hour. With all that content going around the internet,… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
March 27, 2014