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Tag: advertising effectiveness

Access the latest news, research, data and insights on how to drive advertising effectiveness. With a particular focus on emerging media, content and native advertising. Use Nudge to improve your advertising effectiveness.

measuring marketing effectiveness
measuring marketing effectiveness

How to Measure Digital Marketing Effectiveness

Using a third-party specialist marketing analytics tool will enable you to measure your effectiveness. In particular, when marketers reference effectiveness, understanding benchmarks is helpful. Where am I sitting as an organization against my competitors? Because yes, you need to be effective in driving results but are we doing better than our competitors (or not). This is useful nuance and context. Because hey, who doesn’t want to beat their competitors? Technically you are going to need a few things… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 17, 2020

How emotional responses to advertising impact brand recall

I recently wrote a piece on how context in premium environments impact how we respond to content, where we learned that contextual advertising leads to increases in attention, which in turn, impacts brand recall (amongst other things). In this piece, I cover how advertising/branded content impacts long-term memory – more specifically, how emotional responses to advertising strengthens brand recall and recognition. To avoid confusion, it’s worth noting that I alternate between the terms ‘advertising’ and ‘branded content’,… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
August 8, 2019

How to squeeze more juice from the lemon

A post on maximizing every dollar of your content investments Nothing irritates me more than wasting time or money. Hence – Nudge. In 2017 Nudge measured 1000+ campaigns, each involving a different brand and content creator, which gives us a unique view into what delivers results and what does not. These are some tactics informed by data and supplemented by my own observations on how marketers can extract more value from the campaigns they’ve invested in. Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
April 11, 2018