Hollie-Blue Allum
Hollie-Blue Allum
September 16, 2015

When you start planning your first native content campaigns the formats that are available can seem a little new, especially when coming from a media buying background. To make things a little simpler we’ve placed a list below of the main content formats with definitions and examples. Next week we’ll look at how these formats work for both engagement and attention metrics.

Definitions and Examples:

Article: The most common form of native content. Normally follows the article layout of the sites editorial content.

Video: A video featured on a publishers site. Normally includes a paragraph of text from the publisher.

List: A content format which follows a numbered list. Can include images and text.

Slideshow: A slideshow of images including opening copy and copy with most slides.

Video & Article: A video featured on a publishers site including an article write up.

Custom Feature: Something a little different from the layout of the rest of the site. Normally includes parallax, video and an interactive element.

Recipe: An article laid out in a recipe format.

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