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Tag: Walled Gardens


This Week in Native Ads 5/24

Happy Friday! For readers in the US hopefully a quiet Friday ahead (if youโ€™re not already out). One big thing Catching up with colleagues this week there were a few jokes about sketches, that is the crude drawings that form the backbone of bringing a concept to life. They may be crude but effective. Effective communication, this is a literal drawing of what I want. In a multimedia, digital world, the need for effective communication is ever more pressing. Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
May 24, 2019

This Week in Native Ads 2/22

This week is a full on edition, so buckle in as itโ€™s full of gems, from datapoints on Amazon, DrainerBot, to Apple acquiring a digital marketing firm. ? Notable stories this week This News Corp Australia story is interesting, the Outbrain vs Taboola showdown. Ultimately Taboola won this round. This is a battle which goes on every month. Huluโ€™s latest influencer marketing campaign should give you second thoughts about using one. Great… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
February 22, 2019