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This Week in Native Ads 7/19

One big thing Subscription is not all that it seems for Tim Ferriss. The popular podcast host (400m+ downloads) last week announced a six month trial of no ads and shifting to a subscription model. Citing that the effort to filter and sign on advertisers was high and that it could be swapped to investing more in the content. A brief week later he changed tacts, his fans said they actually like the ads because… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
July 19, 2019
Branded content
Branded content

This Week in Native Ads 6/28

One big thing Since last week thereโ€™s been a few more write-ups on Cannes (i.e. brand purpose hypocrisy at Cannes), not entirely sure what it was about this year which has struck a chord – but it has. This piece on the New York Times from Farhad Manjoo continues last week’s chat (that it’s all about the people you bump into), the global parties you’re not invited… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
June 28, 2019