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Tag: Mercedes Benz

the attention economy
the attention economy

This Week in Native Ads 5/31

One big thing A by-product of consolidation, is the reduction in operations, both companies donโ€™t need a finance team for example. But these teams are the lifeblood that keep organizations running, they hold the organizational memory and market knowledge. The counter, is the rise in technology at scale to power and enhance processes. Consolidation is an opportunity to rejuvenate and refocus on what truly is most impactful. As every other chat seems to be about the consolidation of the… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
May 31, 2019

This Week in Native Ads 5/24

Happy Friday! For readers in the US hopefully a quiet Friday ahead (if youโ€™re not already out). One big thing Catching up with colleagues this week there were a few jokes about sketches, that is the crude drawings that form the backbone of bringing a concept to life. They may be crude but effective. Effective communication, this is a literal drawing of what I want. In a multimedia, digital world, the need for effective communication is ever more pressing. Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
May 24, 2019