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How to analyze content using scroll depth
How to analyze content using scroll depth

How to analyze content using scroll depth

Scroll depth is a content engagement metric, commonly used by marketers, to analyze what percentage of a page a user has scrolled to before leaving. A few use cases for scroll analytics There are a number of reasons why scroll tracking is useful for content marketers. The biggest reason being, itโ€™s important that your content is seen and consumed, otherwise – why waste time creating it in the first place? Knowing where people drop off on a page helps marketers… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
February 24, 2021

How does sponsored content work

A brand approaches a publisher and asks them to sponsor their content. This could involve creating a new piece of content, sponsoring an existing section or the brand supplying content. The most effective way is to create the content in partnership with the publisher. Then the brand gets the benefit of delivering the story within the publishers environment, that context, and audience can easily engage in it. Further the partner can promote and distribute the content to their… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 17, 2020