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Tag: creativity in native advertising

Nicholas Jackson, Creative Director and Branded Content Specialist
Nicholas Jackson, Creative Director and Branded Content Specialist

An interview with Nicholas Jackson, Creative Director and Branded Content Specialist

Nicholas Jackson is a Creative Director living in Brooklyn. His work is concentrated in branded content, interactive design, advertising and branding. Over his career Nick has worked with clients such as Philips, GE and Shell and worked for companies such as SapientNitro, The New York Times and The Washington Post. Today, Nicholas consults for brands, publishers and content studios to help make their content processes smoother, collaborative and creative.   See examples of… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
May 16, 2018
Cocainenomics by WSJ is a great example of when native gets creative
Cocainenomics by WSJ is a great example of when native gets creative

How Native Can Get More Creative

With the recent Google announcement of AdSense native advertising, it is clear that native advertising on the Web is reaching a tipping point. These new formats include in-feed, in-article and matched content. But the idea of being able to provide something creative and thoughtful, in an environment harmonious to the feed or the context of the publication is largely being ignored. Instead. weโ€™re seeing executions that are as bland and uninspired as traditional banner advertising back in the day. Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
August 18, 2017