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Tag: content conversions

measuring marketing success
measuring marketing success

How to measure marketing ROI

Once you have established a succinct marketing strategy and objectives, establishing the return on investment is easier. You look at all your inputs, how much did you spend or invest in resources. Then look at the outputs. The proviso here, is often money is invested in a year but the return can be a multi-year payback. Which is often forgotten. Thatโ€™s simple in principle. So how do you measure it? Often through a mix of measurement… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 17, 2020
Factors which drive ROI
Factors which drive ROI

Factors which Drive Content ROI

This post dives into the factors which drive content return on investment (ROI). As marketers, we create content to add value for our existing and potential customers. The aim of this content is to build brand loyalty, educate on products and services or tell stories from a unique perspective. The aim is that the people consuming the content view our brand more favorably, and in turn will buy what we’re selling. That’s where a platform like Nudge comes in. Using… Continue reading

Jessica Toib
Jessica Toib
October 15, 2019
Marketing attribution metrics pushing conversion
Marketing attribution metrics pushing conversion

How Nudge Content Attribution Gives Brands An Edge

  Proving that consumers take action is the ultimate proof point. Marketers are too often lead to believe that a conversion has to be a final step in the buyer journey; thatโ€™s not entirely true. ROI metrics has been, and still is the number one problem for content marketers. However, this is no longer the case for Nudge customers (read more about it here: Native Can Convert). Conversion is the ultimate proof point that a campaign… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
February 2, 2017