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Tag: content conversion

How to articulate the ROI of your content
How to articulate the ROI of your content

Content Marketing ROI

In this post we establish what your content ROI is, how to calculate it and explain it to others. What is Content ROI? What the return on investment of content boils down to is this: does it deliver the business outcome that you require? Pretty simple. How do you define those outcomes? That’s the more tricky part. But it typically comes down to a few buckets, awareness, interest, desire and… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
November 1, 2019

Traffic Quality in 2019, a Deep Dive into Sharethrough’s Native Advertising Performance

  Download the full report here.   Before you read the full report, the key findings were: 1. Sharethrough is a higher quality source than Recommendation units by 10.5 percent, and Native by 37.6 percent. 2. Sharethrough’s native ads outperform traditional display ads by 61 percent. 3. When comparing the difference in quality between Sharethrough’s mobile traffic to the Global mobile traffic standard, the result is a staggering 83 percent. 4. Social Media is… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
July 10, 2019
logos of some of the world's biggest brands
logos of some of the world's biggest brands

How Branded Content Drives Business Outcomes

The tldr; content that is consumed, disclosed and has calls to action will drive business outcomes. Getting to content that is consumed, is the hard part. More on that below. Before we indulge in this post, there are a few provisos I need to give. These are, level setting, branded content can easily drive business outcomes when you have effective measurement in place. If you don’t have that – you can and will lose money very quickly. Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 29, 2019

How to use Nudge Conversions with SumoMe

We use SumoMe to build our email list and encourage white paper downloads throughout the Nudge site. Their product suite is great, for helping convert people from your content. Nudge’s attribution pixel, works inside SumoMe, simply create a conversion in your Nudge dashboard. Take that pixel and drop it in your Scroll Box, or Welcome Matt under ‘Tracking Pixels’ like such: Then, you can track which content drives conversion through the panel. i.e. I can see this post… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 13, 2016