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Tag: attention economy

the economics of attention
the economics of attention

The economics of attention

This piece highlights the economics of attention across consumer media. This is curious for a few reasons, understanding what we as consumers get for free and what that’s worth, what consumers are willing to pay for content, the potential for up and coming media like TikTok, how scale and personalization impact the economics.We have broken it into two sections, different mediums and different platforms. And the dollar amount per hour the platform earns from our attention.  Revenue per hour (cents)Medium Cable67Linear… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 17, 2021

If you’re using Time on Page, to evaluate content you’re doing it wrong

Time on Page, measures when you arrive on a page and when you click off, the difference between those two. But what happens is that with a bounce rate of 30-40%, or even higher on amplified content (70-80%) that calculation is done off a small percentage of the visitors to the content. i.e. take this example, we amplified our post The Best Native Ads of 2015 with Yahoo Gemini. The top url, is our piece of content,… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 11, 2016

Why Content Marketers Should Pay Attention to Attention Minutes

Have you ever woken up in the morning, rolled over, opened Facebook and clicked a few links? Chances are you have, and if you’re like me, you read and hit the back button. Scroll and click another link. Or, you’re on your computer, open a million tabs, and read the content later. Only to close the tab. This is how we consume content now. The internet is less of a journey from site to site, and more that we go… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
December 16, 2015

A Closer Look at Attention Metrics

In this weeks video we’ll look at Attention Metrics, what they are, how they help and why they’re essential for your native content campaigns. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbrhDJ8GJN4&feature=youtu.be If you have any questions on this post please either place them in the comments below or email them through to [email protected]Continue reading

Hollie-Blue Allum
Hollie-Blue Allum
September 2, 2015