Home Breadcrumb 2023 Fin

Archive: Dec 2023

2023 Fin

Edition #429 The last note of the year, themes of note from the year that’s been. The final note of the year! I wasn’t even sure if I sent one. As I mentioned in the last note, it’s been one of the busiest q4’s since before covid. Whilst I imagine, more people this year are already on holiday, compared to Dec 22nd of 2019. I thought I should. It’s not going to be a regular edition, I thought… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
December 22, 2023

Anti AI

Edition #428 Gartner predicts brands will adopt an anti-AI stance, Reelshort, Hivestack acquired & X to pick up Amazon ad demand. AdtechGod tweeted, “It’s supposed to slow down not speed up in December!!!!!” which has certainly been the feeling, I don’t recall a December that’s been this busy in a while. It’s good, I enjoy that end of year rush, to get everything done, before decompressing ahead of the new year.  In New Zealand, it’s quite… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
December 15, 2023

Podcast theatre

Edition #427 On the podcast theatre trend & podcasting in general, Yetis year in preview & will Reddit IPO? It’s a tired trope, guy (usually white), talking into a mic in our feeds, it’s part of a wider trend I’m calling podcast theatre. I even saw a thread about can we get a content blocker for these guy speaking to podcast mic videos? Half the time I don’t even think they’re on a podcast, they’ve just set it… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
December 8, 2023

Losing trust

Edition #426 Mega post-thanksgiving edit, Idris Elba goes searching for gold, what does losing trust in media & AI have to do with one another? And would you pay for branded content? This week Shareen Pathak, Co-founder & EIC, at Toolkits is our guest editor (yay!). I’ve long been a fan of Shareen’s work, since Digiday times, and at Toolkits they have been releasing super interesting data around brand publishing & brand content. So I thought I’d… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
December 1, 2023