The Nudge payload is designed to be lightweight.

A summary of the payload and how the code loads on page:

  • The initial piece of tracking javascript runs 3.5-4kb.
  • Our initial JS is delivered by CDN, and usually renders in 60 – 200ms. This script loads the bare-bones essentials to deploy the rest of the tracking.
  • After, our impression is recorded with all key user information, this is also ~4kb.
  • After this, we track (every second) additional information, this is 357 bytes per second.
  • These pings usually render in 90-400ms, depending on the strength of your connection.

All calls made to the Nudge servers are non-blocking and asynchronous.

Nudge hashes IPs to geo-locate impressions. Then discards the data from the impression profile.

Depending on your config, this payload is 70-90% smaller than other analytics systems. Assuring minimal overhead to provide greater fidelity into your content.

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