The Power of Emotion in Content Marketing – What makes it Shareable?

The best way to engage with your audience and potential customers is via content marketing. It’s handy when you want to improve your search rankings, increase brand loyalty, engagement, visibility, and driving social sharing and interaction. Emotional engagement is a fundamental aspect in every successful content marketing strategy. Right now, one of the biggest trends in content marketing is visual storytelling; people share information, videos, pictures and other types of media with each other all the time. As… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
April 11, 2014

Outbrain – Smarter Publishing

Today’s marketing is all about content, or not just content but good content. Everyone wants to create content and draw attention to their blog, article, product, brand and so on. And they are also willing to pay money for it. Why is that? Well, according to Demand Metrics, content marketing has been known to generate three times as many leads as traditional leads. Statistic research from Voliter Digital claims that shared pieces of content are up to five times… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
April 1, 2014

Visual Storytelling – Why use it?

Digital marketing has in recent years created higher expectations for both customers and employees due to all the different ways they can be reached. Social media plays a big part in this along with the fact that people more or less carry a mobile device on their person at all times. Studies have shown that people pick up their phones 150 times per day, and emails are checked 30 times per hour. With all that content going around the internet,… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
March 27, 2014

Your guide to a smarter Content Strategy

The following is a summary of both general content marketing tips and on specific platforms; it will be especially helpful if you’re at the beginner stage within your content marketing strategy! General starting tips for content marketing: Stop selling – Give your readers information they want and need. Solve a problem – Figure out what your potential customers are searching for and help them solve that problem. Cross-devices… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
March 15, 2014

How you can improve and succeed with Mobile Marketing

Mobile is a fantastic platform for marketers to connect with their selected target audience, if utilized properly. When a customer is using a smartphone and is ready to shop on your site, make sure it’s a smooth process. If the website isn’t optimized for a mobile platform, the customer has to go through an annoying process where s/he needs to zoom, click and undergo the difficulty of filling out a credit card form. Then it’s likely that s/he might leave… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
March 11, 2014

Content Analytics – The Old Fashioned Way

Content is something that is evidently growing and intertwining with marketing. So how and in what way was it used before everything went digital? When you talk about content analytics nowadays, everything is done through different measurement tools and Nudge is one of them. It’s evident that this has hardly been the case if you examine content analytics through a historical perspective. In 1931, Alfred R. Lindesmith developed something that became known as a “content analysis technique”, a methodology that… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
February 20, 2014

Three big trends in digital advertising

Hey! Unfortunately we couldn’t make it to Digiday this time around, but we’ll make sure to let you in on some great stuff regarding the event, such as things you can do around the venue and places you definitely shouldn’t miss out on while you’re in La Quinta, Palm Springs. We’ll also write about exciting topics here in our blog, so be sure to check in from time to time! Three big trends in digital advertising There are always… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
February 20, 2014