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Tag: buzzfeed

BuzzFeed was a pioneer in the growth of branded content and native advertising. View the latest stats, research, case studies and mentions as featured on the Nudge blog.

This Week in Native Ads 9/20

One big thing Plucky companies are taking on the big guys, with Nativo launching their self serve branded content tool and Polar with Washington Post launching Zeus Prime, enabling buying direct social display from publishers. Both efforts show the commitment but also collaboration to bring new solutions to market. Hats off to all. But the big guys aren’t slowing down either, with Amazon launching sponsored display as… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
September 20, 2019

This Week in Native Ads 8/30

One big thing I was listening to RadioLabs, the right to be forgotten. Which gets in to how local newsrooms are looking at case by case should they remove names from articles, for maybe cases that were expunged or a college kid making a mistake. And earlier this week we got together a few folks to chat on content, with panelists from diversity media Brand Advance, News UK and WSJ. The nexus of these two topics, is that content… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
August 30, 2019

This Week in Native Ads 6/21

One big thing Back in the hot seat, to a deluge of Cannes / no Cannes attendance chatter. What makes Cannes great is the concentration, bumping into people you know, everyone’s there to catch up, reconnect. Which is rare these days. But that’s what makes it so good. Unfortunately not for me this year but surely next. The other conference, if you haven’t been, is Dmexco. It is way more focused and compressed in a smaller location. But 45,000… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
June 21, 2019
BuzzFeed's print edition
BuzzFeed's print edition

This Week in Native Ads 3/8

One big thing Will everything online move to a pure pay for performance model? It strikes me that as retargeting has taken a hit on publisher revenues it’s been buoyed by affiliate content drives. This precision reduces the take but will keep focus on what actually works. Notable stories this week Mark Zuckerberg penned quite the long piece on privacy. It is worth reading, to get it straight from the source. ^ Unrelated but at… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 8, 2019

This Week in Native Ads 2/1

Notable stories this week Facebook & Google market research. This does raise the threat of being disintermediated by the operating system itself, what happens if Apple bans the app? Apparently Facebook has prepared for such a scenario (shout out to @ow for pointing this out). Very curious turn of events, they’re playing with fire. I suspect there is a research firm who recruits… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
February 1, 2019
buzzfeed plans to lay off 15% of staff
buzzfeed plans to lay off 15% of staff

This Week in Native Ads 1/25

One big thing Marie Kondo is having her cultural moment, I read the book a few years ago – and subsequently went on a rampage through the house and my belongings ha. From a marketers perspective, it’s also a process worth doing, reviewing all the tools, systems, processes, partners and looking to simplify. In a world of growing spend, we’ve added more, simplifying helps everyone focus on the end result – better business outcomes. IF you haven’t caught… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 25, 2019

This Week in Native Ads 12/7

Consolidation is in the air as the end of year looms and lots of data on how the native/content business is growing. Notable stories this week Native still has (plenty) of room to grow. What if all that TV money isn’t coming? A great post by Mike Shields. Facebook to cut 55% revenue share with Indian video content creators. BuzzFeed covers on of the… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
December 7, 2018

This Week in Native Ads 11/2

One big thing No one big thing this week — it’s the turn in the quarter where the rush is on pre thanksgiving. At least that’s what I’m telling myself? Enjoy this weeks edition. Notable stories this week NBCU makes cutbacks laying off 50 in their ad sales team. Programmatic’s legacy pricing structure penalize premium. ^ Related, media companies scramble to meet annual goals. LinkedIn integrates… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
November 2, 2018
Supreme, New York Post
Supreme, New York Post

This Week in Native Ads 8/17

Are you going to DMEXCO next month? Let me know, maybe we do a This Week in Native get together. One big thing The ability to optimize most advertising. This MediaPost by Dave Morgan – is spot on. Subtly in the past couple of years, most forms of advertising are now optimizable. Not 100% but it’s a great thought. Will this finally shake ‘optimization as a service’ back to agencies? ALSO I loved the… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
August 17, 2018

This Week in Native Ads 3/16

I thoroughly enjoyed the Slade and BuzzFeed pieces, give them a read, or a save for later. ALSO, Nudge is making a strategist available, for those who need some help, starting, growing or being smarter with content investments. Email Gustaf for more info. Notable stories this week SnapChat approves branded content ads for publishers. Related, each SnapChat update attracts new users. BuzzFeed’s Jonah… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 16, 2018