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Tag: branded content measurement

View the latest stories, examples, data and research on how to measure branded content. Use the Nudge platform as your measurement partner.

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Guide to Content Measurement

Content measurement is the process of collecting data around content marketing initiatives.  Brands create content because it will help inform, educate or provide utility to potential customers. And if a brand can achieve that, customers will reward them, with brand awareness, loyalty, purchase intent or purchase. Measurement should reflect these objectives. Before proceeding further, if you do not know enough about content measurement, I recommend the following articles. What are the best free content measurement tools?   What is… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 29, 2023
how to measure
how to measure

How to measure content effectiveness

This post dives into how to measure content effectiveness. There are discrete measures but often it can fall into areas of ‘it depends’. This helps to give the reader the tools to help answer the question – is this effective? Marketing effectiveness seeks to understand how well the work is producing the desired results. Before going further, these posts may be of help: Guide to Content Measurement Guide to Content Marketing Analytics Guide to Content Marketing & … Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 17, 2023

How to measure Branded Content success

Measuring the success of branded content is not as hard you may think. I like to try boil it down to three things. How many people did I reach What was the quality of that reach? What did they do next? Our approach at Nudge, is to help simplify your job, we help you identify the best content with content measurement, then get more eyeballs on that content through insights. It’s content measurement and analytics in a box. Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 4, 2023
The Nudge Dashboard
The Nudge Dashboard

Nudge, a content marketing analytics & attribution dashboard

Nudge at its core is a marketing analytics platform to give you more visibility into what is performing. Because content has become the cornerstones or backbone of marketing today, that is where we have focused. And each year it continues to change. As we do too. As company or culture, we are very pragmatic, work within the constraints we as marketers have, to help deliver the best clarity. Then leverage technology to generate smarter insights. An example is our Insights… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
December 11, 2019
Geoff Schiller Popsugar
Geoff Schiller Popsugar

This Week in Native Ads 8/2

We will be trying an experiment to engage more directly with the native and content communities. For August and September I’ll be holding “office hours” on Friday. Simply sign up for a 20 minute slot and we can have a conversation about trends, best practices, what we are seeing in the market and even do some trouble shooting for your brand and how it is communicating through content. Simply use the link below, pick a time, and we will get… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
August 2, 2019

How much should you spend on measurement?

This is a question that many marketers are ask themselves. In a world where technology spend is trending towards half of marketers budgets, it’s not surprising that clarity is needed. A key finding is that top performers invest as much as 5x more than their peers in measurement. McKinsey recently published new research findings, stating that organizations that deploy the most technology appear to be the most successful. At first glance, this might seem somewhat illogical (as… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
June 20, 2019

This Week in Native Ads 2/8

  One big thing I want to speak on the pace of change. Twitter this quarter is changing their reporting metric to mDAU, monetizeable daily active user. The market did not like it. Imagine if they had used this number a few years ago when Jack first came back. They would have been decimated. Were they measuring it? You can guarantee it. 3000 employees isn’t a ship you can turn overnight. Nor the expectations of millions of users. In… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
February 8, 2019