
Nudge provides measurement and intelligence to help publishers sell more sponsored content and scale their native/branded content offering. The Nudge dashboard offers comprehensive native measurement metrics such as reach, avg attention minutes, scrolled, engagement and more.

A closer look at some of our unique features:

Create publisher benchmarks across all categories to not only see how your site performs but how you’re performing against other native campaigns. Keep an eye on competitors for topline results on their campaigns with our public benchmark features.

Use our Insights feature for AI-powered English language insights, to automatically source actionable insights for clients, and for assistance with end of campaign reporting. Find out info such as your most viral piece of content, the top social platforms and the day of the week that had the most impressions.

To help show the ROI of your campaigns use our attribution feature. This allows you to track all brand conversions, showing the value in your audience.

Native Advertising

“Difficulty measure/proving ROI was the second biggest barrier to growing (native advertising)”. – Content Marketing Institute

Offering native advertising/branded content on your site is a great way to open up a new revenue stream. It typically has bigger budgets attached and gives you the ability to create custom content for your audiences with a brand’s help.

However, a big barrier in growing your revenue is measuring and proving ROI on your campaigns. The following guide helps to show how you can overcome this obstacle and increase your native revenue.

Best Native Advertising Examples

Creating the right content, in the right format, with your audience in mind – is essential to create great native content campaigns. The following three examples show different ways this can be done from smaller to larger budgets and collaboration.

The 30-Day Challenge That Will Transform Your Body
Category: Fashion

Refinery29 + Puma

Why we like it:

Three essential tips from 2015 Advertising Week on paid content were: Make the product essential to the piece, include buy now options and make sure the content is useful to the consumer. This forward-thinking piece of sponsored content did all of these.

Category: Entertainment


Why we like it:

The content, sponsored by Netflix, who recently launched their newest series about Pablo himself – Narcos – is a great combination of engaging text, video clips and visuals that capture the reader. The content is highly relevant and a great way of building interest in a new show by creating original content.

We Gave Southern Barbecue an Aussie Makeovers
Category: Alcohol

We Gave Southern Barbecue an Aussie Makeovers

Why we like it:

This was a relevant and authentic approach to paid content that would appeal to the tastemaker Vice audience. It’s a great connection between a classic American culinary experience and a classic American beer, showing that when the subject of the article is on brand you don’t have to overstate the connection to create great branded content.


This guide is for publishers who have already launched their native studio and are looking to now increase their native revenue. If you haven’t yet launched your native studio, we would recommend downloading this guide. The initial Nudge publisher guide gave you the steps on how to get your native studio started. This included reviewing your own property, audience, content formats, and competitors. This data will have given you a great starting point to launch your native studio.

Now you want to sell more content, on the following pages are the steps to help increase your native sales.

Client Retention

This is the easiest step to increase native revenue. You’ve already convinced them to buy with you once, you want to make sure that these brands and agencies are repeat buyers. Some of the top publishers for native content saw a churn rate of almost 75% in their first year. It’s important to understand what’s going to help convince your clients to keep coming back to you.

“Ultimately, when the budget comes into question from higher up the chain, spend is more easily slashed where performance isn’t clear – and reinvested into another solution where it is.”Antoine Boulin, President Media at Purch

  • Reporting: For a lot of clients & agencies, native content is still new. Some will be ok with basic reporting, spreadsheets, etc. But they will struggle to prove the ROI of campaigns to their clients. By giving insightful reports that show how the campaign succeeded, what worked, targets hit, etc. You’ll help the agency and client come away with a clear understanding of how the campaign performed.
  • Next campaign: Each end of campaign report should include ideas and learnings for the next campaign. The client can then understand what worked and what the next campaign can achieve. Setting you up for repeat buys.

Become Experts

With more and more publishers offering native content you need to stand out from the crowd. Understanding your own property, competitors, metrics and content formats are going to help with this. The way you become experts is through understanding all of this and being backed with the right data.

“The first thing we do is define our advertisers’ objectives,” said Josephsen. “We ask them whether they’re focused on awareness, engagement, brand affinity, etc., and then tell them, ‘Thrillist will be successful at that one thing.’” This allows their team to be more creative, untethered from the promise of clicks. – Paul Josephsen, VP of Integrated Marketing – Thrillist Media Group

  • Benchmarks: Know what your benchmarks are. What are your engagement benchmarks, attention benchmarks? And what are these benchmarks for each content format? Having this information to hand will help your sales team to convert.
  • Objectives and Metrics: When pitching, ask the client what their objectives are. Based on the information they provide you can then talk through the best options with your site (and the metrics to prove results). Showing that you understand their goals and what they’re trying to achieve. Also without a clear definition upfront, when it comes to reporting (and renewal) time, your team won’t know what to report on.
  • Case Studies: A case study that you can take to market for native content is one of the best tools available in selling more content. Make sure that it’s insightful, clear on the success that the brand achieved with you and how you worked together.
  • Stand Out: Don’t pin everything on your monthly traffic numbers. These aren’t an indication of the traffic one piece of paid content will get. Be more precise. What are your average views for paid content? Your average social reach on a Facebook post? What’s your average engagement? What could you get with extra budget for promotion? Having this info at hand will make you stand out to agencies against other publishers.

Get the Right Toolkit

You wouldn’t bring a knife to a gun fight. It’s vital to have a robust analytics toolkit that’s going to help achieve the above goals.

“Success metrics reward the wrong behaviours… clicks and views vs engagement” – Evan Hansen, Medium

  • Optimize: A native content analytics toolkit will help not just with post-campaign reporting, but optimizing during the campaign. Until a piece of content is live you can’t know if it’s going to achieve your clients’ goals. Changing share copy, imagery, headlines and more you can make sure that the clients’ goals will be met.
  • Content Distribution: By having a great analytics tool you’ll be able to let the agency and client know which pieces of content are performing well, which are right for promotion and which distribution partners you would recommend. Putting you in the best place for repeat buys and great word of mouth.
  • Conversions: Not all publishers are currently offering an attribution feature. Clients want to know how valuable your audiences are and if the content is driving conversions (be that site visits, newsletter downloads, etc). Having this info up front will help you to win more campaigns.
  • Benchmarks: Your analytics toolkit should also include benchmarks across all their measured campaigns. This will help you win and report on campaigns. Saying you get 10% engagement is all well and good, but your client needs to know if that’s above average. Benchmarks will give you great data for proving that you are the best publisher for the job.

Following these steps will help your sales team to win more native content campaigns. If you have any questions or want to hear how Nudge can help you scale your native product, please get in touch.
