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Category: Analytics

All of our analytics content, including glossary, how to.

How to create high impact content

High impact content is targeted and focused on a particular use case or topic to a narrowly defined audience. It is impactful because this focus enables you to speak really clearly to the prospect. Analytics helps to see how impactful it is, be looking at things like scroll, engagement and attention on the content. To create high impact content, you need to: Define what the objective is Define the narrow audience What you want them to learn and to do… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 21, 2022

How to convert traffic from content into leads

The most straightforward way is to ask, ask customers reading content, to take a next step. To subscribe to your newsletter. To download a whitepaper. To explore the products. You need to ask and give them that step to turn them into leads!  That seems so silly, but are you asking them? Or are you asking them enough? Make sure that calls to action are in the flow of the content. As users would use your webpage. Buttons off… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 21, 2022

How to attribute MQLs to content marketing

Use a platform like Nudge. To track your content, and the next steps in the customer journey people take. This will help you find what content is driving MQLs, but also insights like time of day, traffic source, where they come form, on what device. So you can stitch together a customer profile, on how they are driving business value.  This typically involves, adding a piece of code to your content, maybe appending some data to click through URLs,… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 21, 2022

How to generate MQLS from content marketing?

Starting with the customer, and working through, at what stage do they become a marketing qualified lead is the place to start. What things do they need to know? What do they desire to do next? Where do they start? Then use content marketing, from further up in the journey, to support them qualifying themselves. You have to link the content, to that customer journey, and support it. You can’t just throw content at them, and go, yay. It takes… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 21, 2022

How do you mitigate losses in media?

Losses in media is a fact of doing business. But the simple solution to mitigating potential losses is a robust measurement and analytics program. One that keeps the media accountable, linked to strategic objectives, and is independently measured. That way, anomalies can be identify, fraud can be caught early, and low performing media can be weeded out. Taking learnings from the measurement program and adapting contracts to suit is also crucial. To make sure media buys have make goods or… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 21, 2022

How to map the digital customer journey

This is a fantastic white boarding scenario, printing out and sticking up each part of the customer journey. Failing that, using presentation software can suffice. Just screenshooting and creating flow charts. Where possible, overlay relevant data at each step, number of people each reaches, the click through rates, attention, drop off, conversion etc. This helps to understand how well each component of the journey works. Many brands struggle with that, as they make it too complicated. This is an exercise,… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 21, 2022

How to convert data analytics to actionable metrics?

The best approach to this, is to sit down and map out the customer journey. Where they start from through to where they end up. Note down their behaviors, and show this in a bit of a flow chart. Its no easy challenge but rest assured most marketers have faced this and it is addressable. Then overlay that with the metrics you get at each step. This then, helps show how analytics is involved in the customer journey, whilst keeping… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 21, 2022

How does content marketing drive sales for SAAS startups?

This post outlines how content marketing drives sales for SAAS companies. Customers engage with the content created, consume it, and then if interested will make a purchase. Content acts as a way to get in front of potential customers, educate them and gets them closer to purchase. It may be they read a blog post, sign up to the newsletter, then later purchase the product. That’s the path for how content marketing drives sales for SAAS. Content can sit at… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 14, 2022

How important is content marketing for a SAAS startup business?

Content marketing is quite important for SAAS startups, because it is a cost effective way to market the company, build the brand and educate about the product. Content is easily shareable, discovered via search engines and also works 24/7 for you. Businesses can create a great piece of content, and it delivers value hour in hour out for a long time. That’s a great marketing asset to have – very efficient. The more of them you can have working for… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 14, 2022