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Category: Analytics

All of our analytics content, including glossary, how to.

How can data analytics improve marketing strategy

Data analytics provides a feedback loop on the progress of a marketing strategy. This feedback then means marketers can make adjustments, change direction, change allocation of resources. It can also act as a predictor, using past data to inform how effective a particular tactic might be, or to predict what sort of return on investment will be obtained. Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
November 11, 2022

Native Advertising Metrics

There are a number of metrics that advertisers use to evaluate their native advertising. Often they are grouped into ‘pre-click’ and ‘post-click’ measures. Pre-click exposure: Viewability, how long was the ad in view for Impressions, how many times was the ad served Frequency, how often did the target audience see the ads Post-click engagement: Attention, second by second, how long did they pay attention after clicking? Scroll, how far down… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
November 11, 2022

Guide to Bounce Rate

Bounce rate measures the rate at which people leave a webpage without further engaging with it. Bounce rate is calculated by taking all visits to a page and seeing what percentage left the webpage without taking further action. Bounce rate = visitors that left without taking action / total visitors . This is an important measure to understand how effective the web page or its content is in serving the visitors expectation. The analogy is, the visitor is like a… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
November 7, 2022

Guide to Scroll Depth

Scroll depth is a metric that enables marketers to see how far customers are scrolling down a page. Scroll engagement is often expressed as scroll depth, or average scroll, both provide a feedback loop of what was in view of the customer. This provides a third dimensional view of the engagement, a person clicked through, and here’s how much of the page they consumed. If you are new to analyzing scroll, some recommended articles are: What is a scroll… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
November 4, 2022

SAAS Content Marketing, a 10 step guide

This guide provides an introduction to the SAAS content marketing.ย Software as a service companies (SAAS) see content marketing as a go to strategy. Content marketing is using content to deliver on marketing objectives. For SAAS this is ideal, because it enables them to engage customers close to the purchase. Potential customers can quickly buy or try the software with a few clicks from content.   Table of contents: Know your ideal customer profile Build awareness Content Marketing… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
November 4, 2022

What analytics make sense for content hubs?

When it comes to analytics on your content hub, some metrics to consider: Reach, how many people are we getting in front of Attention, how long people are engaging for each click. Average Scroll, how are customers consuming the page and content. Engagement rate, what customers do on the page, and if they click out, to make a purchase, or sign up to webinar etc. Conversion rate, rate at which… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
November 4, 2022

Types of marketing metrics

There are often two types of metrics, quantity and quality metrics. Quantity measures quantify how many people completed an action. Quality metrics, look to see the rate at which people take an action. For performance, more people generally are needed. But you also need to make sure they are competing the actions at an acceptable rate. Otherwise you are wasting your money. Which is why marketers consider both types of metrics.ย … Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
November 4, 2022

Why are metrics and analytics used in marketing

Metric and analytics are used in marketing to enable marketers to improve performance. They act as a feedback loop, informing marketers, of how customers are engaging with their marketing efforts. Without these, marketers would be operating in the dark and without accountability. Not a great situation for driving results.ย … Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
November 4, 2022

Why measure marketing metrics?

The reason marketers measure marketing metrics is to provide feedback on how effective marketing is performing. This then enables marketers to take action, find areas of improvement, allocate resources more effectively, whilst keeping the customer front and centre.ย  It is a vital feedback loop. The role of marketing metrics in that feedback loop is to give context and color to the feedback. They help inform different actions which took place, and different types of analysis, all with the express… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
November 4, 2022