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How Nudge helps Publishers

Audiences attention is won and lost within seconds, yet traditional analytics don’t pick this up. Nudge measures attention, second by second, so Publishers can accurately measure how audiences engage in their content.

Prove out the value of branded content productions with third party measurement. Transparency enables growth in direct revenue with greater win rates and retention. And publishers to be on the front foot with what works.

Nudge arms teams with an easy to use dashboard and makes it simple to create reports. Insights help shift from analysis to action faster. And with all this data, teams can better demonstrate how content drives ROI.

Clients can get their own dashboard view. Custom reports can be generated and sent out. Or provided with links to view data. Custom metrics calculated.

Build benchmarks to share with clients and use data in the creation process to nudge them to the best work. Prove out rationale for content & distribution. And articulate trade offs in the creation process.

Wanting to optimize audience development strategies? Whether it’s SEO, paid or internal distribution. Nudge enables publishers to find what traffic sources are engaging audiences, when and where. So they can grow their audience.

Publishers have used Nudge to

  • Measure their branded content campaigns.
  • Optimize marketing & landing pages.
  • Audience development, finding areas to optimize.
  • Optimize and show the value of internal distribution.
  • Provide transparency in advertising partnerships.
  • Build their own benchmarks and intelligence.

All these and more, analytics plays a role in every project.


Benefits for Publishers


Grow direct revenue with transparency.


Improve win rates, and retention of clients, with a better data offering showing the value you deliver.


Donโ€™t mark your own homework, prove out the value of your content with transparency.


Streamline reporting.

Compared to other tools

  • Installation is fast and low config. Enter domain and add code.
  • Get fancy with custom events, reports & APIs.
  • Supported by a free tier to experiment and prove out business cases.

Read more on How Nudge compares.

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Reference our Metrics & Terminology.
Using a piece of javascript that gets added to your websites code.