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How Nudge helps Analytics

Traditional analytics haven’t kept up with the pace of change. Audiences are won and lost within seconds, yet they miss this in their measurement. So Nudge measures attention, second by second, to to get a high fidelity view of what the customer is doing.

Nudge provides a mix of traditional, attention & engagement metrics, to get as close to the customer as possible. Insights help shift from analysis to action. Help find those magic moments of insight where you discover something that shifts the business.

Whether itโ€™s a micro site, website, ecommerce, product or content. Nudge can provide transparency and accountability. Insights help with reporting & to go from insight to action faster. Paired with other analysis by URL, traffic source, time of day, scroll and drop off reports. Identifying performance is easy, and finding areas to improve even easier.

If the goal is to grow traffic, engagement or sales. Nudge provides the metrics to drive performance. Unlike traditional analytics, it distills what’s most important to shift the dials. So you can spend more time strategically.

Strategic analytics is the mode of operating that analytics folks want to operate in. To get there, they must have analytics and metrics that help drive the strategy forward.

Analytics have used Nudge to

  • To complement additional analytics and get a deeper view of attention & engagement.
  • Measure campaigns, getting insights & data from across the whole mix.
  • Link content campaigns through to purchase. And what content formats drive purchase.
  • Optimize programmatic advertising, and placements, with post-click data.
  • Hold partners accountable, with third party measurement.
  • Build their own benchmarks and intelligence.
  • Measure influencer & content partnerships.
  • Capture custom calculated metrics.

All these and more, analytics plays a role in every project.


Benefits for Analytics


Enable new metrics to get as close to the customer experience as you can.


Reduce the amount of reporting you need to do with shared links, exports and copy/paste insights.


A tool anyone on the team can use.


Streamline reporting.

Compared to other tools

  • Installation is fast and low config. Enter domain and add code.
  • Get fancy with custom events, reports & APIs.
  • Supported by a free tier to experiment and prove out business cases.

Read more on How Nudge compares.

Related links:


Analytics FAQs

Reference our Metrics & Terminology.
Using a piece of javascript that gets added to your websites code.