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How Nudge helps Agencies

Attention is what is needed to drive all metrics agencies are accountable for. Awareness, brand lift, consideration, traffic targets or even conversion. Yet traditional analytics doesn’t capture attention accurately.

Born out of an agency, Nudge was built with campaigns in mind. Providing analytics on the performance of campaigns, to enable in-campaign optimizations, transparency and faster post-campaign reporting.

Whether itโ€™s a campaign site, website, ecommerce, product, content or content made in partnership. Nudge can provide transparency and accountability.

Nudge helps agencies identify performance & areas of improvement quickly through itโ€™s easy to use dashboard. And mix of traditional, attention & engagement metrics. Getting agencies closer to how consumers are engaged by their clients digital properties.

Insights help streamline reporting, with sharable links to reduce the amount of reports. And enables agency teams to find those magical moments of insight that help shift clients. Agencies can share logins with clients.

Helpful with audience development strategies, identifying the best traffic sources, and pockets of demand, to optimize to the best sources. It can also be an early indicator of fraud.

Agencies have used Nudge to

  • Measure campaigns, getting insights & data from across the whole mix.
  • Link content campaigns through to purchase. And what content formats drive purchase.
  • Optimize programmatic advertising, and placements, with post-click data.
  • Hold partners accountable, with third party measurement.
  • Build their own benchmarks and intelligence.
  • Centralizing performance from all clients.
  • Measure influencer & content partnerships.
  • Capture custom calculated metrics.
  • Measure websites & digital properties for clients.
  • To grow audiences for their clients.
  • Capture anomalies or fraud in their traffic.

All these and more, analytics plays a role in every project.


Benefits for Agencies


Gain transparency into content investments.


Make reporting easy, better reports in less time. Or even less reports.


Analytics anyone on the team can use.


Metrics for the attention & engagement economy.

Compared to other tools

  • Installation is fast and low config. Enter domain and add code.
  • Get fancy with custom events, reports & APIs.
  • Supported by a free tier to experiment and prove out business cases.

Read more on How Nudge compares.

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Agency FAQs

Reference our Metrics & Terminology.
Using a piece of javascript that gets added to your websites code.